Our Services
Empowering rural communities to thrive by fostering sustainable development that respects their unique character. We provide comprehensive planning services, from on-call support to project management, all while preserving the natural beauty, spacious landscapes, and close-knit spirit that define rural life.
We price our services on a sliding scale to ensure smaller communities get big support. Book a free consultation to discuss services and pricing.
We specialize in:
Affordable Housing Development and Preservation
Community or Neighborhood Development
Comprehensive, Master or Long-Range Planning
Downtowns and Main Streets
Economic Development and Revitalization
Environmental and Natural Resources Planning
Food Systems or Public Health Planning
Hazard Mitigation, Disaster Recovery, or Resiliency
Historic or Cultural Resources Preservation
Housing Policy, Design, or Implementation
Land-Use and Development Regulation and Zoning
Mixed-Use Development Planning
Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure/Active Transportation
Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Planning
Sustainability or Climate Protection Planning
Streetscape/Corridor Improvements and Beautification
Transportation Planning
Wayfinding and Signage
Universal Design/Age-Friendly Planning/ADA Compliance
Visioning and Placemaking
Services offered:
Community Engagement
On-Call Planning Services
Plan Creation or Updates
Project Management
Research and Analysis
Urban Design Services
Technology Services
Zoning Administration/Development Services